Past Wednesday Seminars
How the Iran-Saudi Rivalry is Coloring MENA Conflicts
Joost Hiltermann
International Crisis Group
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Over the Horizon: Time, Uncertainty, and the Rise of Great Powers
David Edelstein
Georgetown University
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
The United States and Eurasia in the Post-Post-Cold War World
John Van Oudenaren
Library of Congress
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Liberal Entrenchment: Reordering French Grand Strategy after the Cold War
Thierry Balzacq
Australian National University
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
How Does International Intervention Work? Mechanisms for Securing Peace Settlements in Civil Conflicts
Aila Matanock
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
America's Next War and How to Prevent It
Paul B. Stares
Council on Foreign Relations
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
All Measures Short of War: The Contest for the 21st Century and the Future of American Power
Thomas Wright
Brookings Institute
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Covert Regime Change: Lessons from U.S.-backed Interventions During the Cold War
Lindsey O'Rourke
Boston College
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Perspectives on the U.S. Defense Budget
Todd Harrison
Center for Strategic and International Studies
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Making the Unipolar Moment: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Rise of the Post-Cold War Order
Hal Brands
John Hopkins University
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
America's Military and the Rise of Guardian Forces
Paula Thornhill
Rand Corporation
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Costly Conversations: Obstacles to Peace Talks in Interstate Conflicts
Oriana Mastro
Georgetown University
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Triggering Crises: Explaining the Onset and Political Escalation of Militarized Inter-State Crises in South Asia
Sameer Lalwani
Stimson Center
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Getting Religion Right Redux: Hypotheses on Religion and Civil War
Monica Toft
Tufts University
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
To Fly, Flight, and Win: The USAF’s Enduring Faith in Strategic Bombing
Phil Haun
U.S. Naval War College
12-1:30 E40-496 Pye Room
United States Central Command Strategy and United States Marine Corps Warfighting in the Middle East
Lieutenant General William Beydler
Marine Corps Forces Central Command
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
China’s Evolving Nuclear Deterrent: Major Drivers and Issues for the United States
Eric Heginbotham
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Hidden in Plain Sight: Escalation Control and the Covert Side of the Vietnam War
Austin Carson
The University of Chicago
12:00-1:30pm E40-496 Pye Room
Coercion and Politics: Citizen Support for Political Actors with Violent Pasts
Sarah Daly
University of Notre Dame
12:00-1:30pm E40-496