Violent Victors | 2023 | Events

How do political parties derived from wartime belligerents successfully campaign as the best providers of future societal peace, attracting votes not just from core supporters but oftentimes also from the very people they targeted in war?
Sarah Z. Daly is Associate Professor of Political Science at Columbia University. She is the author of Organized Violence after Civil War: The Geography of Recruitment in Latin America (Cambridge University Press, 2016), which was runner-up for the 2017 Conflict Research Society Book of the Year Prize, and Violent Victors: Why Bloodstained Parties Win Postwar Elections (Princeton University Press, 2022), which received the 2023 Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award from the American Political Science Association, and was shortlisted for the 2023 Gregory Luebbert Price for the Best Book in Comparative Politics from the American Political Science Association. Daly was recipient of the Lucian Pye Award for the Best Dissertation in Political Science and Minerva-USIP, Peace and Security Early Career Scholar Award. In 2018, she was named an Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Her research has appeared in British Journal of Political Science, International Security, World Politics, and Political Analysis, among other outlets. Daly has held fellowships at Harvard University, Stanford University, and Princeton University, and is a permanent member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She received a BA from Stanford University, MSc from London School of Economics, and PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology