Past Special Seminars

Past Special Seminars

May 13, 2024

Book Event with Roger Petersen

Roger Petersen


5-6:30pm E53-482 (Millikan Room) | Zoom Option

Special Seminars

Jan 24, 2024

IAP: Understanding America’s History- US Army’s Historical Program 2030

Karl Sondermann

Colonel, US Army

10-11:30am Pye Conference Room (E40-496)

Special Seminars

Jan 23, 2024

IAP: The evolution of naval warfare through ship design

Alan Janigian

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

2-3:30pm Pye Conference Room (E40-496)

Special Seminars

Jan 22, 2024

IAP: Logistics Contributions to Integrated Deterrence

Marcus Gillett

Lieutenant Colonel, US Marine Corps

11am-12:30pm Pye Conference Room (E40-496)

Special Seminars

Jan 17, 2024

IAP: Operation Allies Welcome

Kristen DeWilde

Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force

12-1:30pm Pye Conference Room (E40-496)

Special Seminars

Sep 26, 2023

Sep. 26 Starr Forum: Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity

5:30-7pm Wong Auditorium, E51-115 Tang Center, 2 Amherst St, Cambridge, MA 02142

Special Seminars

Apr 13, 2023

Apr. 13 Starr Forum: Reinventing Japan ... Again?

4:30-6pm MIT Samberg Conference Center, 6th Floor, Rooms 3 & 4, Chang Building (E52) 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142

Special Seminars

Jan 17, 2023

Flexibility is the Key to Airpower: The Past, Present, and Future of Aerial Refueling

Lieutenant Colonel Derrick McClain

12pm Pye Conference Room (E40-496)

Special Seminars

Mar 31, 2022

The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China

The Hon. Kevin Rudd

President, Asia Society Policy Institute, and Former Prime Minister of Australia

2-3:30 E40-496 and by zoom (MIT only); and streaming on YouTube

Special Seminars
