Book Review – Unrivaled: Why America Will Remain the World’s Sole Superpower
Harvey M. Sapolsky
Analysis -
Active Defense: China's Military Strategy since 1949
M. Taylor Fravel
Book -
Review of “The End of Grand Strategy: U.S. Maritime Operations in the 21st Century”
Harvey M. Sapolsky
Political Science Quarterly, Spring, 2019.
Analysis -
The Geography of Gulenism in Turkey
Fotini Christia, with Tugba Bozcaga
Foreign Policy, March 18, 2019
Commentary -
The Hanoi Summit - We Asked Se Young Jang What Happens Next in U.S.-North Korea Relations
Se Young Jang
The National Interest, March 12, 2019
Commentary -
Trump Aside, What's the U.S. Role in NATO?
Barry R. Posen
New York Times, March 11, 2019
Commentary -
The Hanoi Summit was Doomed from the Start
Vipin Narang, with Ankit Panda
Foreign Affairs, March 5, 2019
Commentary -
Are nuclear weapons keeping the India-Pakistan crisis from escalating—or making it more dangerous?
Caitlin Talmadge
Washington Post, March 5, 2019
Commentary -
Informal Institutions and Survey Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Matthew Cancian (with Kristen Fabbe)
PS: Political Science and Politics, March 2019
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It is Long Past Time to Stop Expanding NATO
Matthew Cancian and Mark Cancian
War on the Rocks, March 1, 2019
Commentary -
Taiwan’s Balancing Act
Eric Heginbotham, with Rajan Menon
The National Interest (online), February 11, 2019.
Commentary -
The 'New Cold War" with China is Way Overblown. Here's Why.
Joshua Shifrinson
Washington Post Monkey Cage blog, February 8, 2019
Commentary -
North Korea and America’s Second Summit: Here’s What Vipin Narang Thinks Will Happen
Vipin Narang
The National Interest, February 6, 2019
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Decentralization in Post-Conflict Settings: Assessing Community-Driven Development in the Wake of Violence
Fotini Christia
in Decentralized Governance and Accountability: Academic Research and the Future of Donor Programming, eds. Jonathan Rodden and Erik Wibbels, Cambridge University. (February 2019)
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India's Counterforce Temptations
Vipin Narang and Christopher Clary
International Security, Vol. 43, No. 3, (Winter 2018/19) pp. 7-52
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Proof of the Bomb: The Influence of Previous Failure on Intelligence Judgments of Nuclear Programs
Cullen Nutt
Analysis -
Non Citizen Soldiers: Foreign Recruitment by Modern State Militaries
Erik Lin-Greenberg (with Kolby Hanson)
Security Studies Vol. 28, No 2. (2019)
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The Year of Living Dangerously With Nuclear Weapons
Nicholas L. Miller and Vipin Narang
Foreign Affairs, January 11, 2019
Commentary -
Game of Drones: What Experimental Wargames Reveal About Drones and Escalation
Erik Lin-Greenberg
War on the Rocks, January 10, 2019