One Size Fits None: The United States Needs a Grand Defense Industrial Strategy

Jonathan Caverley, Ethan Kapstein, and Jennifer Kavanagh | War on the Rocks

November 16, 2023

Members of the military examining equipment

"Policymakers should acknowledge the finite means at the Department of Defense’s disposal, requiring hard choices about where and where not to invest. As the anchor for such a strategy, we recommend a reoriented approach that splits the defense industrial base into a few manageable “spheres,” identifies a small number of tailored industrial objectives for each, and suggests areas to delegate more to international and private sector partners. This approach would require a shift in the way defense policymakers think about the defense industrial base and their role in it, allowing more efficient use of resources while still meeting U.S. defense needs."

--SSP Research Affiliate Jonathan Caverley with Ethan Kapstein and Jennifer Kavanagh in War on the Rocks


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