Shifts in Warfare and Party Unity: Explaining China's Changes in Military Strategy
M. Taylor Fravel
International Security, Volume 42, Issue 3, Winter 2017/18
Analysis -
Democratic Accountability and Foreign Security Policy: Theory and Evidence from India
Vipin Narang and Paul Staniland
Security Studies, 27:3, 410-447; 08 January 2018
Analysis -
China’s Evolving Nuclear Deterrent: Major Drivers and Issues for the United States
Eric Heginbotham
RAND Corporation, 2017 (With Michael S. Chase et al.)
Analysis -
Nuclear Stability, Conventional Instability: North Korea and the Lessons from Pakistan
Vipin Narang, with Ankit Panda
War on the Rocks, November 20, 2017
Commentary -
Deadly Overconfidence: Trump Thinks Missile Defenses Work Against North Korea, and that Should Scare You
Vipin Narang
War on the Rocks, October 16, 2017 (With Ankit Panda)
Commentary -
Command and Control in North Korea: What a Nuclear Launch Might Look Like
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
War on the Rocks, September 15, 2017
Commentary -
Why Kim Jong-Un wouldn't be irrational to use a nuclear bomb first
Vipin Narang
Washington Post, September 8, 2017 (to appear in print version September 10th)
Commentary -
Welcome to the H-Bomb Club, North Korea
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
War on the Rocks, September 4, 2017
Commentary -
Why India Did Not 'Win' the Standoff with China
M. Taylor Fravel
War on the Rocks, September 1, 2017
Commentary -
How North Korea Shocked the Nuclear Experts
Vipin Narang
Politico, August 26, 2017 (With Nicholas L. Miller)
Commentary -
Should you be worried about North Korea?
Jim Walsh
Al Jazeera, August 23, 2017
Commentary -
War of the Words: North Korea, Trump, and Strategic Stability
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
War on the Rocks, August 10, 2017
Commentary -
Danger at Dolam
M. Taylor Fravel
The India Express, July 18, 2017
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North Korea's ICBM: A New Missile and a New Era
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
War on the Rocks, July 6, 2017
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Too Much of a Good Thing? Conventional Military Effectiveness and the Danger of Nuclear Escalation
Caitlin Talmadge
in Daniel Reiter, ed., The Sword’s Other Edge: Trade-offs in Military Effectiveness (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
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North Korea won't be solved without South Korea
Jim Walsh
Foxnews.com, June 21, 2017
Commentary -
The Certainty of Uncertainty: U.S.-China Relations in 2017
M. Taylor Fravel
H-Diplo | ISSF POLICY Roundtable 1-9 (2017):
U.S.-China Relations and the Trump AdministrationMay 13, 2017
Analysis -
Is war coming to North Korea?
Jim Walsh
Aljazeera.com, April 26, 2017
Commentary -
Would China Go Nuclear? Assessing the Risk of Chinese Nuclear Escalation in a Conventional War with the United States
Caitlin Talmadge
International Security Vol 41, No. 4 (2017)
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Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump: Is it time for our dealmaker in chief to talk with North Korea?
Jim Walsh
FoxNews.com, March 12, 2017