Proof of the Bomb: The Influence of Previous Failure on Intelligence Judgments of Nuclear Programs
Cullen Nutt
Analysis -
The Year of Living Dangerously With Nuclear Weapons
Nicholas L. Miller and Vipin Narang
Foreign Affairs, January 11, 2019
Commentary -
Invisible nuclear-armed submarines, or transparent oceans? Are ballistic missile submarines still the best deterrent for the United States?
Owen R. Cote Jr.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol 75, No. 1, 2019, pp. 30-35
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Diplomacy without Denuclearization: North Korea in 2018
Vipin Narang, with Ankit Panda
War on the Rocks, December 24, 2018
Commentary -
Is India Shifting to a Nuclear Counterforce Strategy?
Vipin Narang, with Christopher Clary
International Security, Vol. 43, No. 2, Winter 2018/2019
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Would U.S. Leaders Push the Button? Wargames and the Sources of Nuclear Restraint
Reid B.C. Pauly
International Security, Volume 43, Issue 2, Fall 2018 p.151-192
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Want to Punish Saudi Arabia? Cut Off Its Weapons Supply
Jonathan Caverley
New York Times, October 12, 2018
Commentary -
Learning to Love Kim's Bomb: The Upside of a Nuclear-Armed North Korea
Joshua Shifrinson
Foreign Affairs, October 3, 2018
Commentary -
North Korea's Nuclear Program Isn't Going Anywhere
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
Foreign Affairs, August 13, 2018
Commentary -
Civil-Military Pathologies and Defeat in War: Tests Using New Data
Vipin Narang, with Caitlin Talmadge
Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 62, No. 7, August 2018, pp. 1379-1405
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Nuclear Deterrence in the India-China Dyad
Vipin Narang
in T.V. Paul, ed., The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era (Georgetown University Press, 2018)
Analysis -
There are Signs North Korea is Still Working on its Nuclear Program
Vipin Narang, with Jane Vaynman
Washington Post, June 30, 2018
Commentary -
North Korea Is a Nuclear Power. Get Used to It
Vipin Narang and Ankit Panda
Commentary -
Protecting America from a Bad Deal: Ending US Participation in the Nuclear Agreement with Iran
Jim Walsh
Written testimony for the hearing before Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, U.S. House of Representatives, June 6, 2018, pp. 1-18.
Commentary -
Trump thinks his North Korea strategy will work on Iran. He's wrong on both
Vipin Narang (with Colin H. Kahl)
Commentary -
India’s nuclear strategy twenty years later: From reluctance to maturation
Vipin Narang
India Review Vol. 17, No. 1 (2017)
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The Trump-Kim Summit and North Korean Denuclearization: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Ankit Panda and Vipin Narang
War on the Rocks, March 14, 2018
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Is Trump’s Meeting With Kim Jong Un A Good Idea?
Jim Walsh
WBUR, Cognoscenti, March 13, 2018
Commentary -
North Korea Defied the Theoretical Odds: What Can We Learn from its Successful Nuclearization?
Vipin Narang and Nicholas L. Miller
Texas National Security Review, February 13, 2018
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The Discrimination Problem: Why Putting Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons On Submarines Is So Dangerous
Vipin Narang
War on the Rocks, February 8, 2018