Mariya Grinberg | People

Mariya Grinberg is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at MIT. Her primary research examines why states trade with their enemies, investigating the product level and temporal variation in wartime commercial policies of states vis-a-vis enemy belligerents. Her broader research interests center on the question of how time and uncertainty shape the strategic decisions of states, focusing on order formation, military planning, and questions of state sovereignty. Professor Grinberg earned her PhD in Political Science at the University of Chicago in 2019, and served as a Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, as well as the Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College. She holds an MA from the University of Chicago's Committee on International Relations, and a BA from the University of Southern California. She was a pre-doctoral fellow in the International Security Program at the Belfer Center of Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School in 2018-9, and the Smith Richardson pre-doctoral fellow with the International Security Studies Program at Yale University in 2017-8.
Publications|Selected Publications
Mariya Grinberg, "Sanctions Won't End Russia's War in Ukraine," National Interest, December 24, 2022.
Mariya Grinberg, "Wartime Commercial Policy and Trade between Enemies," International Security Vol. 46, No. 4 (Summer 2021)
For a complete list of publications
Quoted in "Would a U.S.-China War Mean the End of U.S.-China Trade?" Robert Farley. National Interest, January 30, 2024.
Quoted in "Western sanctions fail to benefit Ukraine," Sohail Choudhury, Weekly Blitz, December 29, 2022.