Jan. 25 Starr Forum: Iran and the Struggle for 'Normalcy': Woman, Life, Freedom | 12-1:30pm Zoom Webinar | Registration Required

silhouettes of two people in the colors of the Iranian flag with a feminist strength symbol in the background

January 25, 2023 1-2:30pm Zoom webinar

Zoom Webinar/Registration Required: https://bit.ly/IranUprisings

The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini on September 16, 2022, in government custody sparked what is commonly referred to as the "hijab protests" but the uprising is about much more, including such themes as agency, women rights, human rights, democracy, political freedoms, due process and justice. This panel investigates how women are at the forefront of resistance to the "Resistance State" in the struggle for "normalcy."


Pouya Alimagham, Lecturer and Historian of modern Iran, the Middle East, and revolutionary movements, MIT.


Maryam Alemzadeh, Associate Professor in History and Politics of Iran, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA). Her topic will be “Politics of the Normal: Young Iranians’ Departure from Conventional Activism.”

Yalda Hamidi, Assistant Professor of Gender and Women's Studies, Minnesota State University. Her topic will be "Mahsa's Revolution and the Change of the Iranian Feminist Canon."

Mahrou Zhaf, Assistant Professor and Chair of Gender and Sexuality Studies, St. Lawrence University. Her topic will be “The Islamic Republic’s Perverse State of Mind and the Female Resistance.”

Sponsor: MIT Center for International Studies (CIS)

Free & open to the public 

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