2018 Alumni reception and seminar | 2018 | News

SSP held an alumni reception in Washington, DC on April 26, 2018. Prior to the reception, there was a special seminar on “The Nuclear Crisis with North Korea.”
A special seminar on “The Nuclear Crisis with North Korea”, and the biennial Security Studies Program Alumni Reception took place in Washington, DC on April 26, 2018. Chaired by SSP Director, Barry Posen, the seminar addressed nuclear issues on the Korean peninsula. Panelists Jim Walsh, Vipin Narang, and Taylor Fravel spoke to the 60 attendees. The seminar was followed by a lively question and answer session.
Several SSP alums who are now in the DC area, as well as invited guests from Capitol Hill and many members of the MIT Club of Washington DC attended the event. The MIT Club serves undergraduate and graduate student alumni in the area.
Following the seminar, the group adjourned to take part in the SSP alumni reception. The popular reception is held in DC every two years and provides a chance for former students, including military fellows, to renew old ties and to meet current members of the program.