Events Archive — 2021
Sisters Are Doing it for Themselves: How Female Combatants Gender Peace Agreements in Civil Wars
Jakana Thomas
Michigan State University
12-1pm virtual
Explaining change in Russian nuclear strategy
Kristin Ven Bruusgaard
University of Oslo
12-1pm virtual
Is India a Strategic Asset for the U.S. in the Indo-Pacific Region or a Strategic Millstone Around the Neck?
David Smith
Stimson Center
12-1pm virtual
Thanks For Your Service: The Causes and Consequences of Public Confidence in the U.S. Military
Jim Golby
The University of Texas at Austin
12-1pm virtual
Starr Forum: Palaces and Sandcastles: Deconstructing Putin's Power
Sam Greene
King's College, London
12-1pm virtual
Strategic Assessment of a Hard Target: North Korea
Markus V. Garlauskas
Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Asia Security Initiative at the Atlantic Council
12-1pm virtual
IAP. Contemporary Military Topics: Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS): Brinkmanship from a Bird’s-Eye View
Trevor Prouty
Commander, US Navy
3-4:30 virtual
IAP. Contemporary Military Topics: Perspectives from a military advisor. Advising the Iraqi Army, the Kurdish Peshmerga, and the Saudi Army
Scott Synowiez
Colonel, US Army
12-1:30 virtual
IAP. Contemporary Military Topics: Fighter Fundamentals: Defensive Maneuvering
Brian Novchich
Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force
3-4:30 virtual
IAP. Contemporary Military Topics:Afghanistan 2019-2020, an Operational Perspective on Factors Involved in the US-Taliban Negotiations [Please note the time of this talk has changed to 3pm]
Molly Solsbury
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army
3-4:30 virtual
IAP. Contemporary Military Topics: Marine Corps Tips for Improving Peak Performance
John Black
Lieutenant Colonel, US Marine Corps
3-4:30 virtual.