SSP Stanton Nuclear Fellow Linde Desmaele wins the 2022 Grand Strategy PhD Prize | 2023 | News

SSP Stanton Nuclear Fellow Linde Desmaele wins the 2022 Grand Strategy PhD Prize
Linde Desmaele standing with her hand on a railing

Join us in congratulating SSP Stanton Nuclear Fellow Linde Desmaele for winning the 2022 Global Stategy PhD Prize - awarded by the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) and EGMONT - Royal Institute for International Relations!




The awarding committee says "[we] warmly praise her dissertation for its grand sweep: Not Whether but How Europe Matters: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis of the Evolution of the Role of Europe in US Grand Strategy (2001-2020)...

Her profound analysis is most relevant for academics and policymakers alike, as the transatlantic relationship continues to evolve in the light of domestic changes in the US (and the EU) and the changing balance of power on the international scene...

Moreover, this superbly written dissertation is also simply a really good read - and that matters too."