SSP Wednesday Seminar November 4 with Danielle Lupton | 2020 | News

On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Danielle Lupton (Associate Professor at the Colgate University) gave a talk on “Reputation for Resolve: How Leaders Signal Determination in International Politics.”
On Wednesday, November 4, faculty, students and guests gathered virtually just past noon to listen to Danielle Lupton (Associate Professor at the Colgate University) discuss “Reputation for Resolve: How Leaders Signal Determination in International Politics.” Lupton spoke about the impact of world leaders’ reputations can have when it comes to international politics and foreign policy crises, as well as the way world leaders developed personal reputations for resolve based on their actions and foreign policy statements. Her talk was based off her book published this year (same title as talk). A great Q&A with the audience followed.
For more information on our virtual 2020-2021 Wednesday Seminar Series, please visit our Wednesday Seminars page, and be sure to sign-up here to join our mailing list for notifications.